Salesforce CRM and Office 365
Palon are experts in plastics. They provide global consultancy to the chemical and household manufactures on plastics; how they are best applied in manufacturing, marketing, recycling and sustainability. A global network of consultants and partners – if you want to know what material is best to provide performance, safety and cost this network of experts will tell you.
As a global partnership, working with global clients, the requirement to share information and contacts internationally was essential. An ambitious programme to introduce new cloud-based systems and processes and replace legacy solutions was essential to maintain market share, and secure growth.
System and Process Review
Gray Blue conducted a review of all key systems and processes. This enabled the board to understand the priorities for transformation and develop a sense of urgency. It also enabled the board to receive great support for the transformation from all the partners.
It was clear that many legacy IT systems were not fit for purpose, which meant processes were not being followed – sales revenue was being lost.
Business Priorities to Technology Strategy and Vision
A detailed analysis of the processes provided the information required to elevate technology solutions that could provide global reach and be cost effective. A technology strategy for the next 5 years was developed focusing on scalable and flexible cloud platforms and included:
- Salesforce – to provide a customisable CRM platform that was both flexible and cost effective.
- Office 365 – to store and share core data and provide an effective communication platform for internal and external usage.
- Understanding the business priorities enabled a clear technology strategy and vision to be created.
Implementation and Transformation
Palon wanted to keep customisation to a minimum. A simple and cost-effective implementation was required to deliver fast results and core platforms. Extensive work to re-document processes, create user manuals and educational material – alongside deploying and training the organisation was delivered to plan. Delivery to place across eight geographical areas, allowing for data migration, training and hyper-care.